In recent years, energy issues have struck world news. With vast uغير مجاز مي باشدe of finite energy sources their extinction in coming years is what worries most of us. The future in the field of energy is full of challenges demanding a lot of ingenuity. Although the availability and غير مجاز مي باشدt of different forms of energy have a direct effect on the economic and social development of a nation, the choice of Wholesale Box Type Transformer manufacturers types depends on a number of factors. Energy may be defined as any property, which can be, produced form or converted into work. In today’s world for any development energy is perquisite. Life is unthinkable without energy. Not only all the comforts of modern life but also the necessities are not possible without energy. Both energy production and energy utilization are the indicators of any country’s progress. Industrial developments, textile manufacture, construction of buildings, water supply and even large-scale food production are not possible without adequate supply of energy.The Conventional sources of energy are needed because they provide more energy to meet the requirements of increasing population. To reduce environmental pollution and to reduce safety and security risks associated with the use of nuclear energy. Most of the renewable technologies are suited for small-scale, decentralized energy generation. A separate department of energy as a part of the cabinet secretariat may be an appropriate mechanism. In the nutshell, we need greater awareness of the gravity of the emerging energy scenario and means for energy conservation. The most efficient source of energy in global news is Geothermal Energy. Geothermal energy is fast emerging as a significant source of electricity in several island nations, mainly in the Indian oceans and the pacific regions. Geothermal plants make use of naturally heated steam drawn to the surface through a series of bore holes. It should be noted that geothermal energy can be depleted unless existing fields are carefully managed. This energy is used in the form of electrical energy, thermal energy, nuclear energy, light energy, mechanical energy and chemical energy.Energy conservation is very غير مجاز مي باشدt effective and has scope in every sector of the economy to improve efficiency in energy uغير مجاز مي باشدe. In international news, government has taken initiatives in offering a variety of fiscal concessions to encourage energy saving measures by industries and also several banking institutions provide soft loans for such measures. Energy conservation is receiving greater attention by industrial managers as well as it has plenty to offer in other sectors too.